Risk management, disclosure
and transparency.
Corporations, and the not-for-profit sector need to pay attention to risk management, disclosure and transparency. Directors need to be aware of the risks and best practices to manage the duty of care required. It is a basic premise that Directors understand and fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.
Bob attained his ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors, the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, and the Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba. He has assisted numerous Boards in reviewing its governance function, including the development of:
identification of key governance issues specific to an organization;
guiding principles for the structure (balance and representation); and,
guiding principles for the operations of the Board, including:
clarifying the role of the Board, and of individual Directors;
creation of governance policies and procedures;
recruiting and nominating suitable Directors;
providing orientation and training programs for Directors;
outlining an evaluation framework for measuring the performance of individual members and of the Board as a whole, and,
defining role(s) and structure of advisory committees.
With 13,000+ members and a network of 11 regional chapters from coast to coast, the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) is the voice of Canadian directors and boards. As a national, not-for-profit association, they provide top-quality education, advocacy and thought leadership, and governance resources to strengthen director performance.